Hannah Dixon, founder of Digital Nomad Kit

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Stay in places as little or as long as you need to feel safe and productive in your work. You don’t need to live in co-living spaces if you’re an introvert, that sort of thing.


The way I’ve traveled and worked online has changed significantly over the years based on my own needs, never following the rules set for digital  custom business mobile app development nomads. Do what works for you and feel confident in finding systems that work for you!”

Stay Productive While Traveling Using the Deep Work Strategy

“When you travel, you’re surrounded by temptation—there’s always something new to see or do instead of working. I like to implement the Deep Work strategy for maximum productivity, which means getting a lot done while having more time to explore.


Deep Work involves setting aside a block of time each day for a two- to four-hour, ultra-focused work session. During this session, you’ll set very clear goals for what needs to be accomplished and ruthlessly eliminate all distractions. This means no phone, no notifications, and no emails. Just a monastic focus on the task at hand.

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It may take you a while to master this technique, but after a while, you’ll likely be able to produce more in 2-4 hours than most 9-to-5ers. I find that as a nomad, there’s an added incentive to accomplish things using this strategy because there are so many the impact of analytics on customer journey optimization  interesting things to see and do after work.”


Ryan Turner, Founder of Ecommerce Intelligence


Discover the local culture

“Get to know the area and its people. Spending more time in different places gives you the opportunity to bond and combat loneliness. You can learn and experience the culture and have much more meaningful experiences.


As someone who left my career in restaurant management, sold everything I owned, and moved from my hometown to pursue a career as a digital nomad azb directory as a full-time traveler, this is my best advice for anyone looking to live this lifestyle.”


Courtney Newton, Disorderly Drifters


Make sure you have WiFi

“Always check the WiFi of the place you will be working. Whether it’s a coffee shop or a hostel, do some research on the WiFi in that area to make sure you can work.

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