When to publish legal notices

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It is best to publish your legal notices on your site as soon as possible in order to be in compliance from the moment it is created.

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How to become a self-employed e-commerce entrepreneur? The complete guide

The self-employed status provides simplified mobile app design procedures. Find out how to become a self-employed entrepreneur and launch your online business.

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How to become self-employed?

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Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, employee, student, retired, or unemployed, you may at any time want to launch your independent activity. If you want to test the viability of your idea, you will probably be led to look into the self-employed the impact of analytics on customer journey optimization  status (also called micro-entrepreneur). This can be suitable for a “classic” project, but also for online sales. In particular, this status is very widespread among independents who have an e-commerce activity.


As a potential future self-employed entrepreneur, it is likely that several questions are jostling around in your head. Whether you are considering launching a business in the real world or selling online, you are probably wondering how to become a self-employed entrepreneur. You may also have questions about the compatibility between the self-employed regime and e-commerce.


Does self-employed status allow you to create an online store?

Can a self-employed person launch a dropshipping e-commerce site?

What are the advantages and disadvantages awb directory of status for e-commerce?

In this guide, we present everything you need to know to create your own business, and we explain the steps to becoming an e-commerce self-entrepreneur.


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Part 1: Self-employed status and the creation of a micro-enterprise


Self-employed status: what is it?

Why become self-employed?

What are the conditions for creating a micro-enterprise?

How to become self-employed?

Do you charge VAT when running a micro-business?

What assistance is available when setting up a self-employed business? How to modify or cease your micro-enterprise? Part 2: How to become a self-employed e-commerce entrepreneur?

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