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Callback order function

Getting a call back is a very convenient feature for users. With this service, the user can quickly confirm an order or resolve any issues that arise.

There are two types of callback form widget:


Opens every time the user is about to leave the page. But in this case, the form may not work correctly and trigger every time the user simply el salvador cell phone number list switches between windows, and this can increase the negative.

When creating and installing this widget, carefully think through its design, everything should be simple and clear. It is important to work with call center employees and teach them how to communicate with clients correctly. It is important to indicate the working hours of the feedback form, as there may be users who order a call early in the morning or late at night.

Cost calculator

It will be relevant where various factors influence the final cost of the product and they need to be calculated to understand them. Usually, such calculators can be found on the pages of small companies or on the landing pages of large banking products. This is also relevant for construction companies and firms engaged in repairs.

When setting up this widget, a special b2b sales strategy tips formula is written, according to which the necessary calculations will be made. The necessary values ​​and the price per unit of the product are set. As a result, we get a form in which the user enters data and receives a calculation of the cost of the product or service.

A widget with a calculator can be inserted into a form, and then it will work automatically. The user fills in the necessary data, and at the end sees the amount. In addition, a form for filling in contact information can be integrated into the calculator, so that the user can receive a call back and more accurate calculations.

The main advantage of this tool is that the final cost can be obtained here and now, because many users simply do not want to call the company to get calculations.

Authorization and registration using social networks

This significantly simplifies the process of user registration on your resource. In addition to the fact that the user does not spend a lot of time filling out forms, the company’s marketers receive legal access to a huge information repository.

For users, the benefits of this widget are as follows:

  1. According to research, more than 60% of users prefer quick registration via social networks, because in this case there is no need to bother with filling out forms and spend a lot of time on it.
  2. About 30% of users choose this registration method in order to be able to share content with friends.

There are also advantages for website owners:

  • obtaining legal access to personal information;
  • Anonymous people get a face and you know your client better;
  • reducing technical support costs.

Feedback function

It is somewhat similar to the callback form, only here the process takes a little longer. The user fills out the form and specifies their contact information. The message from the widget is sent to the site administrator’s email. The response is also sent to the user electronically.

This method cannot be called perfect and fast, because here everything depends on the administrator and how quickly he can react. If there are many visitors to the site, then this work should be done by a separate specialist.

The advantage of this form of interaction is that you have time to prepare a detailed and thoughtful response.

Pre-order and notification of arrival

Some manufacturers and brands allow pre-orders, giving the buyer a chance to buy something that has not yet gone on sale.

This is convenient for those who know saudi data exactly what they want and can plan their expenses wisely. In addition, it gives the user a unique opportunity to be among the first to receive this product.

Another advantage of pre-orders is the price guarantee. Even if the manufacturer decides to raise prices, you will buy the product at the price you ordered it at.

For marketers, this is an additional opportunity to study the desires and behavior of users. It can be expanded by connecting the “notify about receipt” function.


There are many tools for working with customers on the site, but even using these, the simplest ones.

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